Tuesday 27 April 2010


I have heard of Francisco Goya and have seen some work but after looking at more of his pictures today , i would like to see more, i think some of his stuff is great, and a definite influence for cinematography as well as his thematic work which is as important today as it was in his day


These are some of the shots on our projects that i filmed, the group decided to get shots so you will know whos are who.

Some floor plans from the shoot

I have not included the botanical gardens, because of the many locations and the only source used as the sun

just click on the picture to make them bigger.

this is the basement floor plan, which is shown at the end of the film

and this is the attic floor plan shown at the beggining.

there pretty shoddy but i thought i'll include so you know where a lighting has been directed

Monday 26 April 2010

William Turner

J. M. W. Turner a good english painter. who uses colour as the guiding in developing form instead of line but created nice sea effects, i wonder if the film master and commander has these ast hier influence.

Van Gogh

If he was a cinematographer, that would of been awesome.

I would like to see interiors shot like this.
"the potato easters"

Cafe terrance at night